Bloom Groups
We have a place for you in our Bloom Groups! Join a small group of COTR women for weekly or monthly gatherings*. You will make new friends, study the Word of God, and be surrounded by true prayer warriors. Contact us to find out more about joining a group!

Bloom Talks
Bloom Talks is our bi-weekly podcast that will encourage and challenge you as you hear the stories of triumph and redemption from women right here in Lubbock, Texas. Don't miss out on these powerful conversations Paige and Cynthia have with ordinary women who serve an extraordinary God!

Join us for our three yearly Bloom events (spring, summer, and fall) where women from all COTR campuses come together to worship, grow, and connect. These nights are marked by laughter, powerful worship, and opportunities to connect with other COTR women.
*We host groups in our homes and at our COTR locations on a regular basis.
Check out the details below if you're interested in joining a group hosted at one of our campuses.
WEEKLY: Wednesdays at 6:30pm - Dream Center Campus, Tuesdays at 10am - Levelland Campus
MONTHLY: 2nd Tuesdays at 7pm, 2nd Wednesdays at 10:30am - South Campus
MONTHLY: 2nd Tuesdays at 7pm, 2nd Wednesdays at 10:30am - South Campus

The road of life brings sharp turns, occasional pot holes, and decisions to navigate that can be overwhelming. This six-week Bible study lead by one our Executive Pastors, Paige Allen, is your road trip invitation, to take a deeper look at what it means to trust God. By diving into some of Scripture's most famous stories and paralleling them with your own journey, you will be challenged and inspired to live the adventure-filled life that God intends.
Have you ever wanted to take a deep dive into just a few characters in God’s word? Have you ever wondered what a bunch of siblings might have acted like right in the direct presence of Jesus? Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the character of Jesus in some new and meaningful ways as we study the resurrection of Lazarus together. Let’s get a glimpse of Jesus’ interactions with sisters who have opposite personalities but grew up under the same roof. As we discover or rediscover a beautiful section of scripture together, know it is your heart that we prayed over as we wrote and studied.