A letter from
our Lead Pastors

Heath and Kelsey Watts

Hi Church Family,

For nearly forty years, God has blessed us with incredible facilities that have enabled us to impact countless lives. As we move forward, we’ve received a clear message from God to “make the most” of each campus to further His mission. We are confident that this ambitious vision will ignite our faith and remind us of God’s greatness.
Below is a summary of the projects we will begin at each campus as resources come in. I pray that God stirs your faith as you consider an offering (above your tithe) dedicated to the Heart for His House initiative.

Thank you for your generosity and your dedication to Church on the Rock. Together, we are building a future that will impact generations to come!

With gratitude,
Heath & Kelsey Watts
Lead Pastors Church on the Rock

Ways to Give

Give one-time or set up recurring gifts online through our secure giving system. Just click the button above to set it up.
You can give in person at any of our campuses during the weekend worship services. Just write in your check memo or on the tithe envelope, 'Heart for His House'.

During the Week
Drop boxes are available at each campus and located near the entrance. Please drop off checks or cash (in an envelope) at your convenience. If you prefer to mail a gift, please send to 10503 Slide Road Lubbock, TX 79424
Make a commitment to make monthly or quarterly gifts over the next two years by signing up to pledge whatever amount God puts on your heart.

Stay in the loop

Sign up to get updates directly from Pastor Heath Watts about progress made on the Heart for His House campaigns.

Dream Center Campus

Our Dream Center location (started in 2010) has become a city-wide outreach center that helps meet physical needs in the lives of hundreds of individuals each week. It is our goal to meet needs and introduce individuals to Jesus who changes lives. Our food ministry, clothing ministry, and GED testing center have grown to a place where we are out of room to continue taking in goods. We are happy to announce a brand-new building at the Dream Center that will facilitate our GED testing center, clothing closet ministry and provide extensive warehouse space to store things. This move will also allow the current food pantry to be expanded, giving us great spaces to continue to grow.

South Campus

God has been moving at our South campus in our Student Ministry. As the hub for all of our Lubbock campuses, we want to update the current Student Ministries Building. Built-in 2001, this building has been a fantastic tool but has seen very little renovation over the years. We believe that with updates including a state-of-the-art worship center and new Coffee Shop area, teenagers from around the region will build community and experience the presence of God. Plus, this renovation will create a flexible space for the many events/conferences/etc that we have throughout the year. 

North Campus

We are excited about all the growth at our North Campus! God blessed us with a fantastic facility in 2018 that has allowed us to reach people in North Lubbock. As we renovate the current facility, we are thrilled at the prospect of making room for even more people as we move from 530 chairs to almost 700 chairs. We have vision and plans to expand the foyer area, creating more space for fellowship before and after services.

Levelland Campus

As our newest campus, COTR Levelland has been such a blessing to call our first campus outside of Lubbock. If you have never visited there, I encourage you to find a Sunday and go. Along with some pretty amazing people, you will see that Levelland is truly one of our greatest facilities. We invested resources into the campus when we launched it two years ago, and our project now is to create an outdoor space for our kids and the community. My heart is to provide a beautiful outdoor space where the community is blessed and also introduced to COTR Levelland. This addition will be amazing for kids, but adults will enjoy it as well.